Our Mission

The CHHS Athletic Boosters' Club is a non-profit organization made up of an action-oriented group of parents and volunteers. Through dedication and teamwork we support the enhancement of all CHHS sports, teams, coaches, and fans by supplementing the programs needs financially as well as the promotion of all our athletics, school spirit, and school pride through community awareness of their athletic & academic achievements.

Board of directors

  • President: Cindy Cole

  • Vice President: Brian McKenzie

  • Treasurer: Gina Wagner

  • Secretary: Kenny Tabler

  • Concessions: Jessica Hines

  • Sponsorship: Neil Jarman

Meetings: Join us the First Monday of each Month at 6:30pm in the Media Center


Email Us: chhspirateboosterclub@gmail.com

Support Pirate Athletics by linking your Harris Teeter Vic-Card

Code: 6812

CHHS Athletic Booster Scholarships

Application Deadline: April 1st, 2025

Athletics at Corinth Holders High School (CHHS) has always been a very important part of student development. In national studies, sports participation has been associated with a wide array of positive outcomes for high school students and young adults. The lessons students learn through high school athletics develop the traits and skills needed in their personal and professional lives.

The CHHS Athletic Booster Club has historically awarded scholarships to one senior female and one senior male who represent the highest ideals of CHHS athletics. This year, CHHS ABC will award(2) $500 tuition scholarships one boy and one girl athlete. Consideration is given to the applicant’s athletic success, dedication, sportsmanship, and leadership, as well as academic achievement and character. Winners are recognized during the CHHS Senior Awards Program in May.

The following are details of the 2024-25 program.


Applicant must be a graduating senior who has completed at least 1 Varsity Season of CHHS Athletics and has complied with the CHHS Code of Conduct. The applicant must be accepted to a recognized institution of higher learning (college, university, technical and vocational school or institute).

Athletes who receive a full (athletic) scholarship to any institution are not eligible to receive the Scholarship, as funds can be used only for tuition where the senior will be enrolling.

The student-athlete must have a minimum cumulative un-weighted high school grade point average (GPA) of 2.5. The Athletic Director will verify the GPA.

Coach Recommendation

Please select one coach to complete the Coach Recommendation Form, and provide them with the form (and envelope). If a candidate does not receive a Coach’s recommendation, it disqualifies them as a candidate.

Selection Procedure

The Selection Committee is comprised of 3+ adult members of the Athletic Booster Club, including at least one adult from the Booster Club Executive Board. No CHHS coaches or adults with a family relationship to any senior athlete at CHHS are included on the Selection Committee. A point system is used to determine who is the most qualified to receive the award.

Submission Deadline

The completed application form, essay, and sealed coach's recommendation must be emailed/forwarded to the CHHS Athletic Director (adamweaver@johnston.k12.nc.us) by 5 p.m. on the April 1, 2025 deadline.

**Scholarship recipients will be announced at the May 2025 Senior Athletics Banquet.

Download the 2025 CHHS Scholarship application by clicking here.